Referee Information

Referee Info

Referee pay is as follows (per game):
U6/U7 REF: $20
U8 REF: $25
U9/U10 CENTER: $35 | U9/U10 ASSISTANT REF: $25
U12 CENTER: $40 | U12 ASSISTANT REF: $30
U14 CENTER: $55 | U14 ASSISTANT REF: $45
U16/U17 CENTER REF: $60 | U16/U17 ASST. REF: $50
U18/U19 CENTER REF: $65 | U18/U19 ASST. REF: $55

MUSA also gives a bonus of $65 for 25 games worked, and another $60 when you ref a total of 50 games!

Questions? [email protected]

Referee cheat sheet
Advice for new refs
Pre-game conference
Bench control
Foul challenges
8 Keys to communication

Assistant referee documents
FIFA: Assistant referee
Offside duties
AR Involvement

Laws of the game an other FIFA publications
FIFA Publications

Setting Up Referee Direct Deposit

To set up direct deposit and receive your bi-weekly pay, please watch the video below then log in to Demosphere.