Kentucky Youth Soccer Associate Update

The Kentucky Youth Soccer Return to Play Guidelines have been updated. Phase 4 will begin on August 3rd and is broken down into stages. Check out the details at the link below.

Phase 4.1: Full Team Contact Training Resumes – August 3
Allows full teams from the same member club to train with safety precautions. Physical contact is
only permitted within the rules of the game during practices. Players and coaches are not to
physically contact each other before or after practice (ie. Greetings, team huddles, etc.)
• Training protocols:
o Social Distancing for spectators
o Staggered start times to limit the interactions with teams arriving and leaving the field of

Phase 4.2: Intra Club Contact Resumes – August 15
• Allows full teams from the same member club to train with safety precautions. Physical contact is
only permitted within the rules of the game during practices. Players and coaches are not to
physically contact each other before or after practice (ie. Greetings, team huddles, etc.)
• Allow intra clubs scrimmages and/or games. No outside competition is allowed.
• Training protocols:
o Social Distancing for spectators
o Staggered start times to limit the interactions with teams arriving and leaving the field of

Phase 4.3: Return to Competitions – August 29
• League and Tournament Matches can resume with spectator restrictions.
• No training session restrictions but with CDC guidelines followed.
• During this phase, full team competitions, such as tournaments, may take place, as long as
mitigation strategies and process for COVD-19 are implemented. Teams are recommended to only
participate in local events and resist the urge to participate in events in other regions that may
require travel or overnight stays. As always, all events should follow local and/or state public
health recommendations.
• League/Tournament protocols:
o Social Distancing for spectators
o Time should be allotted between sessions to allow teams to exit fields prior to new teams